God's Word for Today

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17th in The Parlor

Wednesday Evening: If we were playing games in The Parlor on the 17th, we definitely had a “Full House” with 10 members in attendance! We also were playing Checkers with Granny Squares thanks to Alidal. Alida crocheted a bag full of squares needing just the trimming and sewing together. So while trying to decide the color order and what to make out of them, the squares were spread around on the floor.

New Member: Welcome Loretta to the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Thank you, Dana, for bringing Loretta to our ministry. The best way to add new members is to invite our friends.

Many Blessings: We had the privilege of praying over several new shawls, scarves, and one fleece blanket. Barbara is so talented she doesn’t stop at working with yarn, but uses her time to sew also. Thanks for retiring, Barbara.

In addition, prayers for recipients of items distributed in June were offered. The Prayer Shawl Ministry allows us to pray while we’re crocheting or knitting, when an item is completed, and again for the recipient that God has chosen for each item.

The best way for us to continue to enjoy the many blessings and to share the many blessings is to find ways to touch as many lives as possible!

Moving Forward: As of the end of May, the Prayer Shawl Ministry Steering Committee came up with a list of several projects to pursue. It’s time to move forward on these projects, like the Fall Festival. We’re still open to other projects and working with other ministries and groups so please bring your ideas. It’s a great way to make sure our ministry known to the rest of the church and the community.

Thanks: The Priscilla Circle invited Ellen and me to make a presentation at their June 2nd meeting. What a wonderful group of ladies. They asked many great questions and made a donation of cash and two prayer shawls to our ministry.

In Our Prayers: Please keep the following members in your thoughts and prayers:

Dee, we hope you are feeling well enough to join us again soon

Barbara, traveling to her sister’s to help during foot surgery

Logan, reaching the end of her recovery from back surgery

Martha, knee problems

Those with unspoken needs

Tip of the Day: Knitting You all know I don’t knit so if this is obvious, I apologize, but I think I’ve heard this discussed before so when I read this, I thought I would share.

Trying to figure out how far from the end of the yarn to make your slip knot? Measure off the length of your needle once (if using a long one) or twice (a shorter one) then wrap your yarn around the needle once for each stitch. Make your slip knot and start casting on.

Love and Blessings,


Count your blessings, not your troubles. – Dale Carnegie

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