God's Word for Today

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Weekly Yarn

Good day to all you lovely ladies! I am getting this out to you now as I will be heading up to Nashville with a church group to work on a Habitat for Humanity house. I have never done one before and it sounds exciting. As a side benefit, I get to see my daughter in Vanderbilt on Saturday. God is certainly good!!!

We had a great meeting last night. We have continued to be a smaller group and missed those of you who could not make it. Please feel free to come on any week you can, even if it is only for a short while.

Hugs take very little time and last such a long time!

Dorothy again amazed us with her new creation. She was concerned about the colors being too bold, but the shawl never made it to the closet as it was grabbed up almost instantly for someone. Great job Dorothy!

Nancy continued to bring us love in the form of prayer cloths. I love the combo of colors. It is a true rainbow of delight.

Robin totally amazed me as she took a huge bag of yarn which seemed unusable (too thin, not much of any single color), combined skeins and made this fantastic shawl of many colors. It was gorgeous. That one left at the same time as Dorothy’s so it is gone. Robin…did you take any pictures of it?

That was such a great surprise and just shows us what God can do with the “unusable” when we listen to His calling.

Zena was back from her adventures, bringing in several wonderful shawls. Welcome back Zena – we missed your smile and laughter.

Kathy stopped by to donate yarn, which was almost instantly grabbed up.

Here is another God story. I was gathering yarn for Zena and could not find any of a certain color that she needed. I just got finished saying that she would need to change her ideas for this shawl when in walks Kathy with that exact yarn and color. God’s planning is amazing. His timing is perfect.

Beverly cleaned out her closet and donated many usable skeins of yarn. We will be kept busy for a few weeks with that donation. Bless you for that.

Of course, I could not resist loading her up with a few from our closet that I know she will make into masterpieces!

Deshawn was back for a while as well. Nice new yarn you have there Deshawn.

Folks drifted in and out and it was good catching up.

Martha received and sent in more gorgeous shawls from Carolyn in SC. Carolyn also sent in knitting needles of assorted sizes.

If anyone wants to learn a new skill, let me know as I love knitting. We can’t thank our home members enough for keeping us stocked with shawls and with love. You are part of our hearts each week when we pray together!

Sunday Oct 3 is World Communion Sunday. We will be at each service as well as at the youth service handing out prayer cloths to people. I will need two volunteers for each service as well as one or two at youth/children's services. I hope you will pray about this as we have an opportunity to reach many people that day with a blessing from God through us to them. I would love to make eye contact as well as heart contact with each recipient that day so we can truly share God’s love for His people. Please let me know if you are interested and available to help out. It will just require standing during communion with a basket of cloths.

Also, the fall festival is coming up again. I will not be able to be there as I will be participating in the Komen Breast Cancer 3-Day walk. Barbara will be with me as well. Does anyone feel called to be at the festival with our shawls and other items? You would need to transport them from the church and back again as well as man the booth area during the festival. I need to know by next week as if there are no volunteers by then I will be releasing the cabin spot to another group. We really would love to be represented, so pray about this please.

Just a reminder that Joann’s fabrics will take all competitor coupons for yarn. If the coupons have different numbers, you can use multiple ones at the same time. This will give you a hefty discount. Feel free to go shopping!

Personally I am asking for donations of yarn for my Christmas gifts this year. Wouldn’t that be fun to see what we get and how colorful our closet will be?

Got to run for now even though there is much more to share. I promise to get patterns to you when I return from Nashville.

Until then, keep blessing us with your handiwork and keep remembering to sprinkle a little extra love into your yarn.

With love in Christ,


1 comment:

  1. Beautiful update. Join us on Wednesday evenings at 5:30 for knitting and crocheting and story telling and laughter. You'll be glad you did. Love and blessings to you and your family.


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