God's Word for Today

Monday, November 15, 2010

Prayer Shawl Ministry Update

Welcome to cooler weather! It is time to snuggle up with a warm blanket, handmade of course, and keep on making more! Don’t turn up the heat on the house, just pile up some yarn on your lap and put a pot of coffee or tea beside you.  Think of all the money you will save in utility bills! 

We had a wonderful week with several new items donated, more yarn for us to use, and God sent us a special gift… a new member!  Welcome Lenore to the “Chicks with Sticks”.  You are going to love our crazy group and we all are going to welcome you with open arms, and crochet hooks.  I am attaching the new member list. I am missing a few birthdays and other info, so please review the list and send the info to be added. 

Nancy has put together the packages for the soldiers.  We are all good for the year on items.  Our budget only allows for 10 boxes to be shipped to military personnel per year.  I would like to spread the word that if anyone has a specific request for a soldier, or wants to make a donation to the cause, it is $10.70 per donation box.  I am not asking our members to contribute unless you feel so lead, but please spread the word so that more boxes can be sent to a soldier overseas.  We rely on contributions for our ministry and God has blessed us with yarn and patterns.  I will be making an appeal for additional donations of yarn during the holiday season.  Instead of giving someone a small gift at an exchange, why not consider donating a skein or two of yarn in their honor?  That will be my focus during this time.  Hope you will join me on that one.  I appreciate all those who have brought us materials, whether full skeins or balls of smaller amounts.  They all are useful and appreciated.

Communion Sunday is the Sunday following Thanksgiving.  We will again put out our prayer shawls and some baskets of prayer cloths for members to take.  If you would like to help with organizing, please let me know.  It takes maybe 15 minutes prior to and at the end of the services to do that. 

Volunteer opportunities seem to be all around us these days.  Are you good at scrapbooking? OK, how about just plain organization?  I would love someone to take on the task of organizing our thank you cards in a way that we can keep them together and display them.  Got ideas? Please be thinking on this one as I am running low on time to take on this important task.

Remember to put our meeting on your calendars and bring a friend.  Like Jello, there is always room for more!! (I am dating myself with that ad campaign)

More stories later, but got to run for now.

In Christ,


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