Now, we all know that God is good all the time, but some days that realization is somewhat overwhelming. Today was one of those days. Just when you think things are slowing down, God sends you the message to keep on creating more shawls!
As you know, today was communion Sunday. We placed many of our items on the altar rail to be blessed by the congregation as well as for those who are in need or know of someone in need to be the messenger of hope. We place trust in God for His provisions and He never fails us. In true form, we had a cart stacked high with items at 7:45am, and it returned to the closet with just a handful left on it.
How amazing that we were again able to supply the needs of a congregation and still have shawls and caps left over for the week! Keep knitting and crocheting as we are down to less than a dozen shawls.
I was astounded at the end of the 11 o’clock service. I came in to collect any unclaimed items and as I entered with my cart, folks were waiting to take the ones that had not been displayed during communion. We had one shawl left on the altar rail and only two caps. I was richly blessed by the stories I heard and by the number of people stopping to express their gratitude to our ministry. The Lord made me smile all day thinking of the love He has shared among His children.
Reminder also that this Tuesday morning at 8am in the upper room there will be a Coffee and Conversations with God. We pray for the needs of the church as requested by the staff, and then fellowship for a while together. It is a small group with big hearts. Please join us and pass this information to anyone you think might be interested in joining us.
I am also going to copy and forward some info I received through Beverly. I will save the thank you notes received to read on Wednesday but wanted to share the following now. Hope you all are having a very wonderful weekend, and be blessed in all you do. Don’t go to sleep tonight without telling someone you know how much you love them. It makes for much more restful sleep to do so.
From Beverly…..
This ministry began with a group of women who participated in the first Women’s Leadership Institute at Hartford Seminary. One of the members began knitting “healing shawls” for women who were undergoing treatment for breast cancer and other illnesses. Other member soon began to knit shawls for new mothers. More recently, women have knitted shawls for men who are ill-and have received very heartfelt thanks for this gift of healing. These wonder gifts of love can be found all over the country now.
Simple directions for crocheting a shawl from Knitting into the Mystery by Susan S. Jorgensen and Susan S. Izard. This book has many ideas and prayers for this ministry.
Yarn: Use 4 skeins of Lion Brand Homespun.
The texture and feel of this yarn makes the shawl soft and warm. Since it is 90% acrylic it is washable. The yarn may be found at Michaels, JoAnn Fabrics and other craft stores.
Before you begin your last skein, set aside yarn to make a fringe for both ends of the shawl.
Hooks: Use size M or one which provides a loose fabric and a quick product.
Pattern: Chain 1, turn, single crochet in each of the stitches to the end. Chain 3 and turn. Double crochet in top of each single crochet. Repeat this row two more times. Chain 1 and make 1 row of single crochet to end. Chain 3 and turn. Do 3 rows of double crochet.
This pattern was developed by Rita Glod
To begin the shawl, chain 54 stitches loosely or chain stitches for the desired width of the shawl. Begin the first row of the pattern. Repeat the pattern (1 row single, 3 rows double) to the end. Finish with one row of single crochet. Weave in loose threads from joining skeins.
Fringe: The length of fringe is an individual decision. You can fringe every stitch or skip several stitches. You can tie beads on the fringe, knot it, or be creative in any way.
Decide the length of the fringe. It is doubled, so cut the fringe twice the desired length. Loosely wrap the yarn for the fringe around a piece of stiff cardboard as many times as you want pieces of fringe. Cut the yarn along one edge of the cardboard.
Double the fringe piece and, using a small crochet hook, pull the loop through the stitch; insert the ends of the fringe through the loop and pull tight. Knot the ends of any yarn that frays easily.
Alternate fringe: With the uncut reserved yarn, crochet loops of yarn on to the end rows of the shawl using a single crochet stitch to catch to strands of the loops to make them stable. No cut ends, no fraying.
This pattern makes a shawl good for wrapping around shoulders or around knees. Make afghan sized shawls starting with more stitches. You will need more skeins of Homespun yarn.
For those who want to minister with this craft here’s a prayer for beginning your work:
Creator God, I ask a blessing from all who have come before me, whose hands have been instruments of creation and beauty; who have picked up humble tools and homespun wool in order to provide cover and warmth for themselves and those they loved; who have felt, as I will feel, the yarn in their fingers; who have seen, as I will see, the growth of the fabric; who have heard, as I will hear, the yarn sliding over the hook.
Bless this yarn and these hooks. May this shawl be a sign of your healing presence: May it warm those who are weary, surround those who suffer and encircle those who are in pain. May your gentle touch reach out to heal in the light of Christ. Amen.
(Prayer adapted from "Beginning to Knit Meditation" by Janet Bristow)
Blessings to all.