God's Word for Today

Friday, August 28, 2009

On Site Tech Support


After Wednesday evenings knitting lesson I returned home and pulled my newly learned knitting out of my yarn basket and begin to click away.

Y’all it wasn't pretty! The flames and smoke from my crashing failure could be seen for miles away.

I noticed that there was a weird loop hanging off of the back and in my naiveté I foolishly thought that I could simply remove the needles and pull the stitches out and back track past my boo boo and then begin again.

That was my first mistake.

After painstaking putting the needle back through all the loops only to discover that I had threaded the needle on the wrong way.

I then pulled it off again and tried to put the needle back on the right way.

Well it went down hill quickly after that.

Let’s just say that the more I tried to repair my error the worse it got and then finally I just thought that it would be easier to just pull it all back out and start again.

However I did to take into consideration my short term memory loss and the fact that even though I had been shown multiple times how to cast on onlt a few short hour befor …well sadly the intricacies of casting on had been completely removed from my memory bank.

At that point I apparently had also lost the capacity to read the English language as well.

I read through the written instruction on how to cast on and decide that although it was written in English, my brain was somehow translating it back into Arabic as it made no sense to me what so ever.

After lamenting my total failure I sent out an email in the hopes that someone would take pity on my and come to my rescue.


Y’all, I think we need to get some of those magnetic signs that will stick to the side of your car for emergency proposes:


A special thanks for my super hero member of The Chick with Stick Technical Support Task Force.

She braved the rain to make a special in home service call.

The problem was diagnosis as, technical difficulty is due to operator error namely me with a malfunctioning long term memory shortage due to old age of the operating system.

Thanks Ellen for the home tech support!



1 comment:

  1. You are so funny!! and you are entirely welcome. Love, Ellen


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