God's Word for Today

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Weekly Yarn - January 13th


It was a great evening at the meeting on the 13th.  Sixteen of our members attended – the highest number for us in quite a few meetings.  The chatter and laughter showed how much we had missed each other.  Those of you who haven’t attended for a while, we still miss you and hope to see you soon!

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Additional Prayer Shawls and Prayer Cloths were turned in and prayed over.  The Prayer Shawl cabinet is “comfortably full” now.  We’re running low on items for men, or at least in colors suitable for men.  Many of the patterns work for anyone by changing the color and type of yarn used.


Several thank you notes from recipients of Prayer Shawls, Chemo caps, and other items – written and verbal – were received and read.  It’s always wonderful that God blesses the recipient and the deliverer. 

I know I’ve said this before, but if you haven’t delivered a Prayer Shawl yet, and shared the blessing of the moment, felt the presence of God, and shed tears with someone in need, you have missed out.  We have several individuals in need of Prayer Shawls…please let me know if you can deliver one!

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Praise God we have heard from Living Waters and all of the individuals working with them in Haiti and all are well, and on their way home as soon as transportation allows.

As Davis said in his sermon this week, it is important “…to give of ourselves and to give freely of our talents.”  As members of the Chicks with Sticks, you’re doing a great job!  Thank you.

Love and blessings,


“Surrender your blunders to the Lord.  He can use them to make the pattern of your life more beautiful.”

Corrie ten Bloom

1 comment:

  1. Oh Robin Sweetie...
    What a beautiful work of God you are doing here. I so love the colors and the beauty of giving HOPE, and FAITH back to the recepient. The fellowship for you ladies brought together has to be wonderful. I could hear the laughter and prayer as I read this post. I thank you for sharing with me today.

    I had never heard of a prayer shawl until my niece Amy got cancer this time. She received one from a dear friend, and what a beautiful thing to have. It brought her such comfort, and I believe it was a treasure to her Mom. Amy passed on to heaven in October, and it has given her Mom something to hold on to. The memories alone are worth a million dollars.

    I can't knit, or crochet. I want to learn so that I can make a baby blanket for my new grandchild to be born in June, but if I could knit or crochet, I too would working with this project of love. What a beautiful gift. Even the wonderful hats are treasured believe me. I know, I saw it first hand.

    Country hugs sweetie and so much love, Sherry


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