God's Word for Today

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August Update for the Chicks With Sticks - August 3rd

Just A Note:  Having been out of town since the middle of July, there is much to tell you so I decided not to wait until the meeting tomorrow.  As you can see, a lot has happened recently!  You are a marvelous group of women who keep things going on no matter how hot the summer gets.  I hope to see many of you tomorrow evening.

Thanks From the Costa Rica Mission Team:

Dana & Lisa,

     On behalf of the Costa Rica mission team, I want to thank both of you and the teams that make up the prayer shawl and blanket ministries.   On our most recent trip to Costa Rica, we were fortunate to take along a number of shawls and blankets, though we were not certain how or when God would be calling for those.  But call he did!  Pastor Douglas and his wife, Yami, asked several of us to travel to homes of church members who were struggling with illness or problems.  During those trips, the pastor poured anointing oil in our hands, and together, we prayed aloud our own prayers of healing while laying on hands. These were very spiritual times, and we clearly felt God with us.  When we presented the prayer shawls and prayer blankets, however, the recipient and family members present became overwhelmed with gratitude.  They were so touched that God used each of your team to provide comfort and healing to THEM, even though you didn't know them by name or circumstance at the time the blankets and shawls were being created.  We let them know that our church would continue to pray for them by name.

Four shawls also went to the women who helped us with Bible School each day and who prepared a meal of thanks for us before we left. We believe these women will be continuing the ministry we began at the community center (Bible School).
We left the remaining blankets and shawls with Pastor Douglas and Yami to distribute as needed. Again, thank you and your teams for serving with hearts like Jesus! 


Special Request From Linda A.:

“Hey there girls, I know that you have a lot of contacts that have huge hearts for people in need, so I thought I would ask if you might be willing to pass along this information. I have a young mother, Ashley who is need of new born baby boy items. I met her while she was staying at the V. L. and she is really is the sweetest thing ever.  She and her hubby were able to get out of the Villa and are currently renting a place in Buford.  Unfortunately, due to his job changing, they are not being able to make ends meet and are currently looking for another place to stay that is cheaper for them.  She has a little boy Riley, who is almost 3, but all his baby things were taken from them a while ago.  (that is another story).  If anyone you know may have some things to pass along, I will be glad to pick those up from you at church if you would let me know.  If you feel led, to buy them something or give a monetary donation, that  would be great blessing to them, but don't feel obligated in any way.  Let the Lord lead you in this! Thank you for your loving and giving hearts!! 

Addendum from Linda:  She is due the end of August, but I am just trying to help her get some things together so she feels more at peace about having him.  She is in a very rough place right now, trying to find a new place to live, and raising her other little one, Riley.  She has also had numerous health issues during this pregnancy, so I think that anything we can do to give her a little "lift" during this time, would be great! 

Be blessed, Linda

Giving – Sharing – Caring:  While looking at yarn at Hobby Lobby, I picked up a brochure by Bernat called “bernatcares.com”.  It includes a page on Prayer Shawls with this paragraph that fits our group so well.

“A prayer shawl is a thoughtful gift to share with someone who is grieving or immersed in difficult times.  They can embrace with comfort & healing, uplift with your wishes and prayers, and bring warmth to the lost and ailing.  There are many occasions to share a prayer shawl both in times of loss and celebration.  No matter how simple or complex your prayer shawl, the message is the same  - your kindness has been felt.”

The brochure has several tips in it also.

1. While making your prayer shawl, be sure to have positive thoughts, a prayer, or blessing repeated with each stitch.  Your wish will be passed on to the recipient.

2. Use new yarn.  Be sure to use yarn that can be machine washed and dried – your treasures will be cherished for years to come and become keepsakes for a grateful family.

3. Use bright shades to brighten up the receiver’s day.

4. Send only clean items void of animal hair and food spills.

5. Think upbeat thoughts and pass your positive wishes along with each stitch to someone who needs them.  It will be good for you too.

Go to bernatcares.com to download patterns to knit or crochet for individuals in situations who need uplifting through God’s love and comfort in one of these items. 

Our Prayer Shawl Ministry is registered online under my e-mail address, if you would like to have access to this feature please contact me and I will pass along the information for you to get registered.

Love and blessings,


“I dwell in possibility” – Emily Dickinson

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