God's Word for Today

Saturday, September 25, 2010

keeping up with the bouncing ball of yarn!

Hello to all our friends from the Prayer Shawl Ministry!  It is time for another update so here I go….

First…next Sunday Oct 3 is World Communion Sunday.  Our group has been preparing for this for about 9 months now.  We have over 1200 prayer cloths ready for distribution at all 3 services.  I am asking (ok..I am begging) for help with this task.  We will need to print tags to go on the squares, and using a darning needle and some yarn, tie them to the items.  As you can well imagine, this is a rather large task to accomplish in one week, but  I have faith that we can do it!  I am planning on printing the tags Monday.  If you can help at all, please let me know.  I will be asking folks who show up on Wednesday to please help instead of crocheting or knitting that one night.  I will also need volunteers to help distribute these items at each service.  I need 2 people for each service plus representatives at the youth and children’s services.  So far one person has come forth to help and that isn’t enough to meet our needs.  Please prayerfully consider helping out even for just a small time.  The communion shifts will only be the 15 minutes it takes to serve communion. 

Second…the fall festival is just around the corner.  Unfortunately for the calendar, so is the Breast Cancer 3-Day walk that Barb and I will be participating in.  I am hoping for volunteers to transport shawls and other items from the church, to the campground and man the cabin while the festival is going on.  Last year some folks made treats to share and they were delicious.  If you can help with any part of that festival, please let me know by end of the week.  If we do not have sufficient folks available, I will need to let Cindy Walters know that we won’t be coming.  I don’t want to wait much longer in case she has someone else in mind for the space

Third…if you are on the email list and have not come to a meeting for a while, why don’t you come on in and see all the new patterns we have.  You are welcome to select yarn from our closet and do your project from the comfort of your home.  We have many folks out there who are not able to come to church but still donate completed items.  You can be one as well!  Just let me know and I will get you hooked up.  One other note..as this ministry relies solely on donations to pay its “bills” for supplies, we occasionally find ourselves in a bind for yarn.  If you have some at home that you want to share with us, please do.  If you would like to make a donation of yarn or a gift card to Jo-Ann’s, Michaels, Hobby Lobby or even Walmart to get supplies, we would certainly appreciate that as well.  I hate asking, but you never know when someone has a stash of yarn at home.  We can start our fall cleaning and get rid of old stuff while helping out with a great cause. 

There is a beautiful song which comes from the Shaker society which I believe has a lot of value for us in our present day.  We spend so much time rushing around trying to get everything we need done, that we lose focus on the things we love and our priorities.  Sometimes the “to do” list for ourselves trumps the “to do” list that God sets before us.  Spend time each day really worshipping Him. Pray for those folks listed above as well as others on your own list.  Pray for this ministry to be successful and reach those in need.  In keeping with the spirit of being simple, I remind you that although we have a growing book of pattern instructions and many color of yarn, your project does not need to be extremely complicated or intricate.  It can be one color or a block of several colors.  It can be a straight double crochet, or knit stockinet stitch.  It can be long, wide, triangular, or round.  The point here is that it is less about the prayer shawl itself and more about the faith that comes with the shawl, the prayers spoken over it, and the continuing prayers for the recipients.  Pick up a skein this week and before you even find the dreaded hiding end piece, pray that God is preparing the heart of the recipient, that He sees who this item is being made for and why. Pray for the hands which prepare these creations and the continued donations needed to keep our ministry running.  Then, chain some stitches, or cast on some stitches.  It is your choice and your creativity that makes each item special.  Enjoy reading the words and may your week be blessed, your days be invigorating, and your nights give you much needed comfy rest.

With love in Christ,


'Tis the gift to be simple,
'tis the gift to be free,
'tis the gift to come down where you ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
It will be in the valley of love and delight.


When true simplicity is gained,
To bow and to bend we shan't be ashamed.
To turn, turn will be our delight,
'Til by turning, turning we come round right

'Tis the gift to be loved and that love to return,
'Tis the gift to be taught and a richer gift to learn,
And when we expect of others what we try to live each day,
Then we'll all live together and we'll all learn to say,


'Tis the gift to have friends and a true friend to be,
'Tis the gift to think of others not to only think of "me",
And when we hear what others really think and really feel,
Then we'll all live together with a love that is real.


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