God's Word for Today

Friday, June 26, 2009

Chicks with Sticks June 24th

Joys and blessings: As the saying goes, God is good all the time! Wednesday evening we had eleven women at our meeting with lots of stories, sharing fellowship, laughter, and of course our needles and hooks were flying! We were blessed with five new Prayer Shawls and two new scarves to pray over and put in the cabinet.

Working together: We were so glad to see faces we hadn’t seen for a while (I didn’t want to say old faces), as well as new faces. Jenny was back learning to knit under Ellen’s expert tutoring.

Alida’s granny squares (about 1/3 of them) made a nice blanket and there are still quite a few left to use. Teamwork makes the work fun. God has called us for something He has given us the time and talent to do.

Watch for information: Thank you Nancy, for arranging for the information about the Prayer Shawl Ministry to be in the Sunday bulletin and on a PowerPoint slide for the Sunday service. The brochures around the church are helping to spread the word about our ministry also. Requests have been received for a Prayer Shawl and for more information making items for the ministry based on the brochure.

New Members: Please welcome JoAnn to the Prayer Shawl Ministry. The Wednesday evening meetings don’t fit in to her schedule, but she has volunteered to crochet items and deliver them to us. We welcome you with open arms, JoAnn, and look forward to meeting you.

Prayer Shawl Opportunities: We have frequent opportunities to help individuals with Prayer Shawls and Blankets and often don’t think about it. Please be mindful of helping people over their difficult times.

Simple Gifts: As we all watch our money, there are more and more articles written about going back to simple gifts for special occasions. It seems the talents we have are becoming more popular to learn and the items more valued as gifts.
Love and blessings,


I can do everything through Him who gives me strength, - Philippians 4:13


  1. I've never come across your blog before, but it goes so well with my latest writing on Higher Grounds. I'll have to be sure and come back.


  2. oh my gosh, I love your blog !!
    If you love to knit or crochet, please visit this link on my blog !! You can help babies !! THANK YOU !!


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