God's Word for Today

Saturday, May 21, 2011

a thank you note

Wanted to share this with you.  sometimes we get simple notes, and other times, long epistles.  This one was special and I wanted to share it with you.  we received it on 5-15-11.  It states:

Prayer shawl ministry,

The “Bridges Class” today were sharing stories about how prayer blankets and prayer shawls have been such a blessing to family members and friends.  The blankets mean so much to the individual who is sick and the family members.  The individual acts of kindness by you is incredible.  The love and praises of God is flowing out of your ministry!

God bless you!

Here is another one:

I am the recipient of one of your beautiful prayer shawls.  As I ws recuperating from recent surgery, the shawl was a visual conveyance of your love, care and concern.  As I face the fight ahead, I continue to be uplifted by your act of kindness.  Thank you for reaching out to others during their times of need.  Sincerely,  Geneva

And another:

Words can’t express how much the prayer shawls meant to my husband and myself.  Thank you for your time and prayers.  They are working!  He still will need a lot of prayers and healing in the months ahead, so thank you in advance.  I hope in time we can visit you to say thank you in person.  You make such an amazing difference in peoples lives.  Blessings, Ken and Mary

And another:

Thank you for the beautiful prayer shawl.  Every time I put it around me, I know I’m surrounded by God’s love and the love of others.  Thank you so much for thinking of me and providing me with the prayer shawl.  I will be wrapped in love and prayer every time I have it on.   God bless you all, June

And another…..

Thanks so much for the beautiful pink shawl that you made for my mother.  Though she never got to use it, it would have meant so much to her and now means so much to me.  I will think of her and remember your kindness each time I use it.  In His love, Susie

I get many of these cards each week.  if you want to see others, there is a shoebox collection of them.  Just let me know.  I wanted you to know how much your time and talent means to so very many people.  God is blessing the many from work from this ministry.  From humble beginnings, to His glory, we keep on working and keep on blessing.

Love to all of you,


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